This is a picture of me, Andrew Forward Technical Demos

A collection of demos that have been built to support a talk, to learn a concept, or maybe just for fun.

Empex Disco Logo (LiveView)

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It was great Empex 2019 conference in NYC. Absolutely lovely conference, here is my talk on LiveView. Thank you to the organizing committee as my talk was submitted only days after the Phoenix LiveView library was made available to the public and I hope I did not disappoint.

The demo is a small Phoenix LiveView app where I took their logo and sliced it into SVG parts and then make a colour display.

Empex Display

Towers of Hanoi (LiveView)

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Another Phoenix LiveView example, this time solving the towers of hanoi, using SVGs to better control the display of the towers. This demo has been upgraded to use heex components.

Towers of Hanoi

Hangman (LiveView)

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Another Phoenix LiveView example, this time solving playing hangman where the answers are programming languages, and uses an SVG to (also) better control the display of the user's progress. This demo has been upgraded to use heex components.
