Generating Globally Unique IDs
Imagine you are building a system to assign unique numbers to each resource that you manage. You want the IDs to be guaranteed unique i.e. no UUIDs. Since these ids are globally unique, each id can only be given out at most once.
The ids are 64 bits long.
There are a fixed number of nodes in the system, up to 1024.
Each node knows its ID at startup and that ID never changes for the node.
You can visit the source on GitHub
Unsynchronized ID Generation
We are splitting the ID generation between several nodes. To build a guaranteed-globally-unique generator without any synchronization between each node, we can split our IDs between
- X bits to identify the node
- Y bits of unique numbers within a node.
Knowing that we will have at most 1024 (2^10) nodes, we can reserve the first 10 bits of our number to uniquely identify the node.
10 bits 54 bits
By-Hand Demonstration
Let's demonstrate with an example. But, we will use smaller numbers to better visualize the solution. Let's make a 5-bit counter split between up to 4 nodes.
In this example, we need 2 bits to identify the nodes, leaving 3 bits for each node to count with.
So each node's numbers would be split between
N0: 00 YYY
N1: 01 YYY
N2: 10 YYY
N3: 11 YYY
Now each node is responsible for managing its own uniqueness of a 3-bit number. Global uniqueness will be assured by our NodeId prefix (the first two bits).
Elixir Demonstration
This can be represented using Bitstrings in Elixir.
Here's the number 9 represented in bits
^ ^
8 1
Let's look at our 5-bit example in the iex shell.
In Elixir, this can be (in a slightly verbose manner) done as follows
For our example nodes, this can be split between 2 bits for the node and 3 bits for the number
To extract the integer
we can use Elixir pattern matching
<<n::5>> = <<1::2,1::3>>
Elixir Template Solution
We now have enough to build a template solution for our GlobalId.
@doc """
Return a globally unique 64-bit non-negative integer.
Each node can be represented with 10 bits (2^10 = 1024)
we will use our unique node prefix, and then the
remaining 54 bits to be unique within the node.
The underlying call to timestamp is not guaranteed to be
monotonic, and we do not support two calls within the
same microsoft, but this is a good start.
@spec get_id() :: non_neg_integer
def get_id() do
<<n::size(64)>> = <<node_id()::10,next_id()::54>>
The node_id()
is assigned automatically from the node itself.
The specification for the next_id()
only needs to be
unique within the node itself.
@doc """
Return a locally unique non-negative integer.
@spec next_id() :: non_neg_integer
def next_id
Before we implement the next_id()
, let's analyze how
many numbers can be generated so we can evaluate
the appropriateness of our solution.
How Many Unique Numbers are Possible
Our system can, at most, distribute up to a million-trillion unique IDs (2^64 = 64-bit number).
18,446,744,073,709,552,000 (2^64)
mT kT T B M k
We are splitting our generator between (up to) 1024 nodes so each node can, at most, distribute up to a thousand-trillion unique IDs (2^54)
kT T B M
Timestamp solution
A timestamp-based solution is simple but offers two possible problems.
First, when will the numbers run out? And second, will there ever be two requests at the exact same time (based on the precision of our timestamp) causing our solution to (incorrectly) return duplicate IDs.
How long will 2^54 last?
Today's date (approx) is 1.5 billion milliseconds
Even if we supported units in microseconds, that is still only about 1.5 trillion microseconds per year, leaving each node with 18,013 trillion numbers possible values instead of 18,014 trillion.
There are about 30 billion milliseconds each year (365*24*60*60*1000), so we have until the year 600k until we exhaust 2^54 numbers based on a timestamp.
Two Requests At the Same Time?
This is a bigger concern for uniqueness.
If our timestamp can only resolve to milliseconds, and we expect about 100k requests per second, that is around 100 requests every millisecond, which is not precise enough.
If we had micro-time resolution, and if we could guarantee
that our get_id()
would perform not faster than a 1μ ms
then our solution below would be sufficient for our needs.
@doc """
Return a locally unique non-negative integer.
@spec next_id() :: non_neg_integer
def next_id, do: :os.system_time(:microsecond)
If we cannot guarantee those conditions then we need to
look at GlobalId
maintaining its counter.
How much to count?
Our system could receive 100,000 requests a second. But we don't know the distribution within the second. Maybe they all arrive at once, or maybe they are evenly distributed about 100 every millisecond.
Counting 100k every second
If we have no guarantees about how the requests are distributed within a second, then we need 17 bits to track those 100k per second requests (2^17=131k)
Let us revisit our 64-bit number, where we have
- 10 X bits for the node,
- 37 Y bits for the timestamp, and
- 17 Z bits for the counter.
10 bits 37 bits 17 bits
We now have fewer bits for our timestamp, so let us see if we can still reasonably generate numbers for a long time.
At millisecond precision, 37 bits only supports 137 billion numbers or 5 years.
Clearly not enough.
To-The-Second Precision
We could consider to-the-second precision for our timestamp as we would be managing sub-second counting, this would give us around 4.5k years of unique numbers.
Counting 100 every millisecond
We could also see if our messages would be evenly distributed throughout every millisecond, which would require only 7 bits to track our counter as at most 100 requests would arrive every millisecond (2^7=128).
Our new scheme for the 64-bit number, would be
- 10 X bits for the node,
- 47 Y bits for the timestamp, and
- 7 Z bits for the counter.
10 bits 47 bits 7 bits
At 47 bits, our timestamp supports up to 140 trillion numbers, at at 30 billion milliseconds per year, our system would last about 4.5k years of generating unique numbers.
If we wanted to count to 1000 (instead of a 100), then we could support up to 1000 bursts every millisecond (instead of the uniformly 10/ms) then our system would last for about 500 years.
Why keep the timestamp?
You could argue if your system can count to a thousand, or to one-hundred thousand, why not have it do all the counting?
The reason: down-time and failures.
If a node goes offline, then when we bring it back up, or
if a new node is brought back up in its stead, we do not
need to manage any external state and the counter will continue
to generate globally unique numbers. This works nicely with
Elixir/Erlang as our GlobalId
could be part of a supervision tree
that could automatically re-start it on failure.
Counting in Elixir
Elixir (and Erlang) offer several mechanisms to support internal state. The most commonly used is a GenServer (which stands for a Generic Server) which we will use below.
We will configure our GenServer with
defmodule GlobalId do
use GenServer
@impl true
def init(_) do
{:ok, %{counter: 0}}
And our counter will increment the state on each request.
@impl true
def handle_call(:next_id, _from, %{counter: counter}) do
{:reply, counter, %{counter: counter + 1}}
We will update our get_id()
and next_id()
to use this counter.
@spec get_id(pid()) :: non_neg_integer
def get_id(pid) do
<<n::size(64)>> = <<node_id()::10, timestamp()::47, next_id(pid)::7>>
@spec next_id(pid()) :: non_neg_integer
def next_id(pid), do:, :next_id)
Full Solution
Our full solution using the GenServer is shown below.
defmodule GlobalId do
use GenServer
@moduledoc """
GlobalId module contains an implementation of a guaranteed globally unique id system.
@doc """
Return a globally unique 64-bit non-negative integer.
Each node can be represented with 10 bits (2^10 = 1024)
we will use the unique node prefix, and then the
remaining 54 bits to be unique within the node.
The underlying call to timestamp is not guaranteed to be
monotonic, and we do not support two calls within the
same microsecond, but this is a good start.
@spec get_id(pid()) :: non_neg_integer
def get_id(pid) do
<<n::size(64)>> = <<node_id()::10, timestamp()::47, next_id(pid)::7>>
@doc """
Return a locally unique non-negative integer.
Provide the process of the GlobalId GenServer you
are connecting you.
@spec next_id(pid()) :: non_neg_integer
def next_id(pid), do:, :next_id)
@doc """
Returns your node id as an integer.
It will be greater than or equal to 0 and less than 1024.
It is guaranteed to be globally unique.
@spec node_id() :: non_neg_integer
def node_id, do: 18
@doc """
Returns timestamp since the epoch in microseconds.
@spec timestamp() :: non_neg_integer
def timestamp, do: :os.system_time(:microsecond)
# GenServer Functionality
@doc """
Start our GlobalId GenServer, with our next_id being 0.
@impl true
def init(_) do
{:ok, %{counter: 0}}
@impl true
def handle_call(:next_id, _from, %{counter: counter}) do
{:reply, counter, %{counter: counter + 1}}
Debugging our Implementation
From the elixir shell (within a project holding our GlobalId
iex -S mix
We can start a new GlobalId server.
iex> {:ok, pid} = GenServer.start_link(GlobalId, :ok)
And then use the pid
to request the next IDs.
iex> GlobalId.get_id(pid)
We can also test our next_id()
iex> GlobalId.next_id(pid)
Implementing the Node ID
Right now our NodeId is hard-coded, let's expand that to grab from our internal state.
defmodule GlobalId do
use GenServer
@moduledoc """
GlobalId module contains an implementation of a guaranteed globally unique id system.
@doc """
Return a globally unique 64-bit non-negative integer.
Each node can be represented with 10 bits (2^10 = 1024)
we will use our unique node prefix, and then the
remaining 54 bits to be unique within the node.
The underlying call to timestamp is not guaranteed to be
monotonic, and we do not support two calls within the
same microsecond, but this is a good start.
@spec get_id(pid()) :: non_neg_integer
def get_id(pid), do:, :get_id)
@doc """
Returns your node id as an integer.
It will be greater than or equal to 0 and less than 1024.
It is guaranteed to be globally unique.
@spec node_id(pid()) :: non_neg_integer
def node_id(pid), do:, :node_id)
@doc """
Returns timestamp since the epoch in microseconds.
@spec timestamp() :: non_neg_integer
def timestamp, do: :os.system_time(:microsecond)
# GenServer Functionality
@doc """
Start our GlobalId GenServer, with our next_id being 0.
You can start your server with `start_link/2` and then
send the message `:get_id` the PID as shown below.
iex> {:ok, pid} = GenServer.start_link(GlobalId, 18)
iex>, :get_id)
These behaviours are also captured in the API above.
@impl true
def init(node_id) do
{:ok, %{node_id: node_id, counter: 0}}
@impl true
def handle_call(:node_id, _from, %{node_id: node_id} = state) do
{:reply, node_id, state}
@impl true
def handle_call(:get_id, _from, %{node_id: node_id, counter: counter} = state) do
<<id::size(64)>> = <<node_id::10, timestamp()::47, counter::7>>
{:reply, id, %{state | counter: counter + 1}}
The testing of our ID generator can be split into
- Is it correct?
- Is it fast enough?
- Is it guaranteed unique?
Is is correct?
A fast service that returns incorrect results is somewhat useless. So our first tests focus on example-driven testing (aka unit testing) to see if the ID generator is doing what we expect.
There are two tests at this level. Our function should be monotonic (ever-increasing), and supports sub-millisecond access.
test "should be monotonically increasing" do
{:ok, pid1} = GenServer.start_link(GlobalId, 1)
first = GlobalId.get_id(pid1)
second = GlobalId.get_id(pid1)
third = GlobalId.get_id(pid1)
assert first < second
assert second < third
We also want to show that the last 7 bits of our solution do cycle through at least 100 values so that our time-based approach could (in theory) support the required 100,000 transactions a second (i.e. 100/ms).
test "theoretically support 100 (2^7) calls per millisecond" do
{:ok, pid1} = GenServer.start_link(GlobalId, 1)
allIds =, fn _ -> GlobalId.get_id(pid1) end)
<<_::57, num_0::7>> = <<, 0)::64>>
assert num_0 == 0
<<_::57, num_1::7>> = <<, 1)::64>>
assert num_1 == 1
<<_::57, num_127::7>> = <<, 127)::64>>
assert num_127 == 127
<<_::57, num_128::7>> = <<, 128)::64>>
assert num_128 == 0
<<_::57, num_129::7>> = <<, 129)::64>>
assert num_129 == 1
Is it fast enough?
Next, we consider performance. For that, we used benchee
@tag perf: true
test "can we get 100k per second" do
{:ok, pid1} = GenServer.start_link(GlobalId, 1)
"get_id" => fn -> GlobalId.get_id(pid1) end
warmup: 0,
time: 10,
parallel: 1
We will be calling our &get_id/1
function over and
over for 10 seconds.
To run the performance test we do
mix test test/perf_test.exs --include perf:true
This was tested on
Operating System: macOS
CPU Information: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6567U CPU @ 3.30GHz
Number of Available Cores: 4
Available memory: 16 GB
Elixir 1.10.3
Erlang 22.3
And produced the following output (we ran the test several times each row representing one 10s test).
| Name | ips | average | deviation | median | 99th % | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | get_id | 525.40 K | 1.90 μs | ±1584.91% | 2 μs | 3 μs | get_id | 401.50 K | 2.49 μs | ±1510.79% | 1.98 μs | 15.98 μs | get_id | 437.85 K | 2.28 μs | ±1473.27% | 2 μs | 13 μs | get_id | 437.70 K | 2.28 μs | ±1691.43% | 2 μs | 15 μs
The definition of each field is below:
- name - the of the test
- ips - iterations per second, aka how often can the given function be executed within one second (the higher the better - good for graphing), only for run times
- average - average execution time/memory usage (the lower the better)
- deviation - standard deviation (how much do the results vary), given as a percentage of the average (raw absolute values also available)
- median - when all measured values are sorted, this is the middle value. More stable than the average and somewhat more likely to be a typical value you see, for the most typical value see mode. (the lower the better)
- 99th % - 99th percentile, 99% of all measured values are less than this - worst-case performance-ish
The results seem to indicate our ID generator will work well at producing 100k IDs per second.
Is it guaranteed unique?
We can test our uniqueness guarantee by launching 1024 nodes and concurrently requesting IDs from them and ensuring the resulting list is unique.
To run the test
mix test test/global_unique_test.exs --include global:true
And here is the implementation (looking at 50k requests)
@tag global: true
test "globally unique" do
globals = 0..1023
|> node_id ->
{:ok, pid} = GenServer.start_link(GlobalId, node_id)
num_iterations = 50_000
unique_numbers = 1..num_iterations
|> _ ->
Task.async(fn ->
[pid] = Enum.take_random(globals, 1), :get_id)
|> Enum.uniq
|> Enum.count
assert unique_numbers == num_iterations
Based on theoretical analysis of bitstrings, mixed with some engineering benchmarks, our solution seems to provide a GlobalId generator that offers unsynchronized unique IDs between upto 1024 nodes.
The current solution will last for 4.5k years before we run out of numbers, and if that is of concern then the recommendation would be to go with a 128-bit integer split as follows.
20 bits 71 bits 17 bits
Using 20 bits allows for a million nodes, and 17-bit counter allows for 100k every millisecond, which still leaves us with 71 bits for epoch time or a trillion-years (well past the 4.5B years that our sun will survive).
You can visit the source on GitHub